
Executive Summary

The Cabinet, being the supreme Executive power organ in Liberland, operates within a framework of sharply delineated authorities, confined to a succinct list of powers across only four Ministries. This structure ensures a lean and focused governance, adhering to the principle of limited government. The Executive Branch is made accountable to the Legislative Branch, highlighting a robust system of checks and balances. Additionally, both the Senate and the People hold the power to veto Executive regulations, reflecting Liberlandโ€™s commitment to democratic participation and oversight.

Fiscal policy in Liberland is characterised by the absence of mandatory taxes, with the Cabinet required to seek voluntary contributions from the People for specific projects. This approach underscores a commitment to fiscal restraint and voluntaryism, aligning with the nation's foundational values of promoting individual life, liberty, and property. The Executiveโ€™s overarching mission is thus to serve and safeguard these principles, ensuring governance that benefits the individual and respects the autonomy of Liberlandโ€™s citizens.

Regulatory Power

The Cabinet exercises its regulatory authority through the issuance of Decrees, which serve as binding regulations for the entirety of the Executive Branch. The applicability of Decrees to the general populace is circumscribed, permitted only to the extent that they do not overstep the legal boundaries established by statutory law.

While Decrees are incapable of creating new rights and obligationsโ€”a prerogative reserved exclusively for legislative enactmentsโ€”they play a crucial role in delineating and specifying existing legal provisions. In the legal hierarchy, the status of a Decree is paralleled to that of judicial precedent, essentially serving as a substitute for the latter. The primary function of a Decree is to address urgent matters that demand immediate attention, preempting judicial intervention and thereby securing legal certainty.

Decrees are particularly utilised in situations where the issues at hand extend beyond the jurisdiction of a single ministry, necessitating a collective response from the Cabinet. In contrast, regulatory directives falling within the domain of a singular ministry are designated as Edicts. Despite the terminological distinction, Edicts and Decrees are endowed with equivalent legal potency and serve analogous functions in the regulatory framework.

Limits of Power

The Cabinet possesses authority exclusively over matters pertaining to foreign relations, the execution of commercial activities on behalf of Liberland, and the regulation of areas specifically mandated by Law. It oversees the routine operations of the state in the most comprehensive manner. Fundamentally, the Cabinet's actions are confined to the protection of the individuals' right to life, liberty, and property. Any executive action deviating from these core objectives is deemed unconstitutional by default.

The Congress retains the capacity to challenge any regulations, decrees, or edicts formulated by the Cabinet or the Ministries. Such legislative instruments are subject to revocation at the discretion of both the Senate and the populace through a veto mechanism. Furthermore, in instances where regulations are adjudged to contravene constitutional provisions or legal statutes, the judiciary holds the power to invalidate them. This ensures that all forms of regulatory enactments are amenable to scrutiny and potential veto by the Public and the Senate, underscoring the checks and balances integral to Liberland's governance structure.

The Prime Minister

The Prime Minister serves as the leader of the Cabinet, wielding the decisive vote in its discussions. This individual is a Representative selected by Congressโ€”the legislative arm of governmentโ€”to occupy the role of Prime Minister for a term not exceeding five years. The Legislative Branch retains the authority to dismiss the Prime Minister as well as any Minister within the government. It is within the purview of the Prime Minister to appoint and relieve other Ministers, ensuring comprehensive oversight over the activities and operations across all governmental ministries and agencies. Although the Prime Minister does not oversee a specific ministry, they function as the 'political' minister, embodying the Cabinet's collective representation and articulating its unified stance and directives.


Liberland is structured around a concise and streamlined governmental framework, comprising precisely four ministries, each under the leadership of a designated Minister. These ministries are foundational to the administrative and operational governance of the state, ensuring a focused and efficient execution of national policy and strategy. The ministries are as follows: The Ministry of Justice: Entrusted with upholding the legal framework of Liberland, this ministry oversees the administration of justice, legal proceedings, and the enforcement of laws to maintain societal order and protect citizens' rights. The Ministry of Internal Affairs: Responsible for domestic policy, this ministry focuses on internal security, public administration, and the oversight of internal matters crucial to the state's stability and the well-being of its citizens. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs: This ministry manages Liberland's interactions with foreign states and international organisations and oversees diplomatic relations, international treaties, and global representation of Liberland's interests. The Ministry of Finance: Charged with the economic stewardship of Liberland, this ministry handles fiscal policy, government budgeting, taxation, and the financial management necessary to sustain the state's economic health.

Day-to-Day Governance

Ministries within the framework may be segmented into Agencies, contingent upon the enactment of specific legislation that necessitates ratification via a Referendum, akin to the passage of any other statutory provision. This mechanism serves as a safeguard against the unwarranted expansion of governmental structure, ensuring a check on potential bureaucratic growth.

All budgetary allocations are mandated to receive a formal legislative sanction, effectively requiring the assent of the Legislative Branch (Congress) for enactment. Furthermore, fiscal plans and expenditure outlines necessitate the distinct endorsement of the Senate prior to their implementation. This dual-layer approval process underscores the commitment to a checks and balances system within the fiscal policy domain. In circumstances where a Budget is adjudged to contravene constitutional principles, the Supreme Court possesses the authority to invalidate such a financial plan, thereby precluding its execution in the disputed form.

Connection with the Public

Additionally, proposals for individual government initiatives are obliged to undergo a presentation phase to both citizens and potential investors, underscoring the necessity for these stakeholders to be persuaded of the projects' merits for their personal benefit and the broader welfare of Liberland. This requirement stems from the Executive's lack of authority to levy taxes, thereby eliminating a direct fiscal conduit from the populace to finance governmental projects. This model emphasises a transparent, consent-based approach to project funding and execution, aligning with the principles of voluntarism and direct democracy that underpin the governance model.

Governing Liberland

The paramount public interest in Liberland centers on the regulation and enhancement of the protection of individual life, liberty, and property. This foundational principle establishes the government as the public guarantor of the Non-Aggression Principle, or the Golden Rule: one should not inflict upon others what one would not wish for oneself.

The constitutionally mandated checks and balances are designed to ensure that the Executive branch remains committed to this core mandate, its principal and sole function. This framework casts the role of a government official or an 'Agent' in Liberland as both challenging and invigorating. Agents are distinguished by their service to the only government that refrains from expropriating resources from its citizens under the guise of public welfare. Instead, they contribute to the creation of what is aimed to be the freest nation on Earth, embodying a commitment to the principles of liberty and non-aggression.

The constitutionally mandated checks and balances are designed to ensure that the Executive branch remains committed to this core mandate, its principal and sole function, contributing to creating what is aimed to be the freest nation on Earth, embodying a commitment to the principles of liberty and non-aggression.

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