
Voting with LLM on-chain asset

NOTE: This guide is obsolete - Liberland's Blockchain Frontend now supports setting identity, proposing referendums and voting in user-friendly manner.

Because of the design and implementation of LLM, LLM is not a native substrate token. Instead, LLM is a custom extension to an on-chain asset. Liberland's chain comes with a custom democracy voting integration, being the first chain that allows users to vote with on-chain assets instead of the native substrate balances.

Setup enviroment:

We recommend that you manually clone the github repository and build it:

git clone && cd liberland_substrate/ && cargo build --release

Run the node in dev mode to make things easy:

./target/release/substrate --dev

Navigate to Polkadot.js and chooce local node.

Become an on-chain citizen

In order to vote or interact with the political system, a user needs to become and on-chain citizen. The requirements for being a citizen is:

  • Identity set with the citizen field and eligible_on pointing to a past block number

  • KnownGood judgement from citizenship registrar

  • Pooled llm

Politic pooling LLM

  1. Get some LLM: polkadot.js > Developer > extrinsics > llm > fakeSend

  2. Allocate LLM for politics: polkadot.js > Developer > extrinsics > llm > politicsLock

  3. Check your LLM balance by going to Network > Assets > Balances

  4. Check your politics LLM balance by going to Developer > chainstate > llm > llmPolitics


This is the amount of LLM you have allocated for Politics, these LLM can not be used for any type of non-voting functionality


You can unpool 10% of your pooled LLM once a year. This will suspend your politics rights for a year.

To unpool, use polkadot.js > Developer > extrinsics > llm > politicsUnlock

Set on-chain role

Once you have pooled LLM you can now go to polkadot.js > Developer > extrinsics > identity > setIdentity Make sure you set the citizen field to raw and put 1 as the Raw input and additional containing item (Raw: eligible_on, Raw: 0x0).

Submit the transaction!

Request judgement:

  • polkadot.js > Developer > extrinsics > identity > requestJudgement

    • regIndex: 0

    • maxFee: 500

Now you need to either wait for someone to give you a judgement of KnownGood or do it yourself:

Now when you have become an on-chain citizen you can interact with the politics system with your pooled llm.

Head over to the Democracy tab and start interacting with your pooled llm.

Last updated